My Reading Life

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I am not a reader. I have never really been one. One could say I am particularly picky about what books  I read. I have never really been a fan of the fairy tale type books, such as Harry Potter or Wings of Fire. I like to keep it realistic. My favorite genres of books are historical fiction or realistic fiction because in my opinion, realistic books are easier to connect to, unlike fairy tales with dragons and fairies. Fantasy books make me feel like I am in a different world, which I know a lot of other readers like, but I need to stay focused on my world. As for historical fiction, I think it is super important to appreciate how our world is now. I think it is important that kids nowadays can really understand what happened in the past. I know it is hard to do that with just a textbook in a classroom, but with historical fiction, I can find books that are seen through many different perspectives.

Reading is very hard for me sometimes. You could also call me a slow reader. If I try to read fast my brain just scans over the words, not really taking the time to think about it. I like to imagine I am the main character. Reading is also hard for me when people are talking. If I am reading and someone starts to talk, my brain automatically switches to listening to that. I know a lot of people like to listen to music when they read, but I fing that really distracting. I read best when I am sitting in a comfortable place, no distractions whatsoever! 

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I can easily say that the best book I have ever read was called Gabriel’s Horses by Alison Hart. This book was about a slave who worked on a farm. It was based in the middle of the Civil War in Kentucky. This book was historical fiction. I loved this book because it gave me a window into what life could have been like back then for someone my age. It was a window and mirror because the main character, Gabriel, was my age and loved to ride horses, but it was also a window because he was a slave and lived in the 1800s. I think Alison Hart did an amazing job putting so much detail into this book. I really felt like I was in the book. As soon as I picked up this book, I could not put it down. It was the perfect mix of Civil War and what it was like to be a slave. I highly recommend this book because not only is it awesome, but it is not unbearably long. It is about 150 pages. I can’t read long books because I get bored of the same thing after a long time. With this book, it was over before I knew it!

I have around 80 books at my house. I would say I’m a bad reader because I just sit in my room surrounded by books, not picking one up. I have lots of books at my house, but I choose not to read them. I should really start reading all of the books at my house. My dad recently bought The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain and he thinks I would really like it. I have yet to give the book a chance. I need to broaden my horizon of books. I pick up a book and if it doesn’t have anything that interests me at the start, I stop reading that book and try to find another. I think overall I am a bad reader and I need to read more.   

3 Replies to “My Reading Life”

  1. A recommendation for historical fiction is The Hired Girl by Laura Amy Schlitz.

  2. This is a really good blog post. I also love historical fiction and realistic fiction. I do not think you should consider yourself a bad reader because you probably are actually a good one even if you only read certain genres or you read slow you just need to expand your reading.

  3. Wow this is a really good post! I like how you stated simply in the beginning “I am not a reader.” I think that added a lot of personality to your post!

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