My Planking Challenge

My planking habit tracker


In Language Arts class we learned about the importance of a daily habit. We did a challenge where we had to plank every day. We started with 30 seconds and added 15 seconds every week. The first few days were easy, but as we started to add time, it got a lot harder. I have to admit, I did not plank every day. Looking back, I realize that it is a lot harder when you don’t do it. The entire week of Thanksgiving, I didn’t think about planking. Keeping up with a daily habit or routine is super important. If you don’t do something for a large amount of time, or even a short amount of time, it will be harder when you do it again. After the week of Thanksgiving, I could not plank for more than 45 seconds without putting my leg on the ground. I think if I had just planked every day it would have been significantly easier when I did it in class. You can see in my habit tracker that there are a lot of spaces not colored in.

One thing that did help me plank in my free time was writing it down in my planner. I look at my planner every day so I saw it as soon as I opened it. Although this worked sometimes, it also didn’t work other times. Sometimes I would look at my planner and say stuff like, “Oh, I’ll just do that later.” I didn’t end up doing it later. One of the main challenges I faced while doing the plank challenge was to push myself past what I thought I could do. I also struggled with having the right mindset. I sometimes would think, “Oh I can’t do this,” when really I could. This entire challenge has brought me to realize that I am not very good at keeping up with a habit. My new goal is to go to bed before 9:30 every night. I have been really tired recently, so I think this goal will help me. The plank challenge is a lot harder than it sounds, so if you’re up for a challenge, you should try this!

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