Horse Breeds


In this blog, I will go over the main breeds of horses. First, the Belgian Warmblood. The Belgian Warmblood is a very popular horse. Horses are measured by hands, so the Belgian Warmblood breed is normally 15 hands and up. These horses are very sweet and are willing to do whatever you ask. I know a lot of people say that, “horses don’t have personality” or, “horses are boring” but really, they are not. The Belgian Warmblood can be any color. They are typically 16 to 17 hands tall. They can do Hunters, Jumpers, and Dressange. 


The next breed I am going to talk about is the Welsh Pony. The Welsh Pony is also a very popular  breed too. These ponies are between 12 to 14.2 hands tall. This breed is smaller than the Belgium Warmblood, but just as popular! These ponies are SUPER sweet and loved to be played with. They can be any color, and do Hunters, Jumpers, or Dressage. They are kind of like dogs. In my opinion, Welsh Ponies are the best!


The next breed in a Thoroughbred. These horses are the kind of horses that you see in big horse racing. These horses are very talented. They can go SUPER fast! They are built with long legs so they can go fast. They don’t only do racing though. A lot of retired racing Thoroughbreds become Hunters (jumping). Thoroughbreds are also very sweet but in my opinion, not as willing to do what you want. These horses are between 15 to 17 hands tall.


The last breed I am going to talk about is the American Quarter Horse. These horses are the ones you see at barrel racing. These horses are less common in Hunters, and more in Western. These horses are super athletic and are built so that they can turn really fast and sharp around barrels. I have not met one of these horses, but they sound SUPER willing to do anything. They seem like they will always try their hardest. These horses can also be any color. They are typically 14 to 16 hands tall. 

Thanks for reading my blog!

One Reply to “Horse Breeds”

  1. I didn’t know you were so talented Charlotte!

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